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The Change Agent

Akilah Roberts

I am one who believes everyone has their own purpose, but the hard part about this is discovering what that purpose is. Akilah Roberts is one who believes her purpose is helping others find their own. “My mission is to inspire those who are lost and change the world by healing it.”

The self-made change agent proclaims this to be her calling. She wants to help impact the world and its people in every positive way she can. From her free-formed dreadlocks to her vegan diet, Akilah lives the very thing she tries to inspire others to embrace. She is on her own journey of discovery and while passing through she is impacting individuals and the world through her projects and businesses. “My dad always calls me the “life changer”, just because I was the first born. But I internalized that.”

Akilah Roberts

Her first initiative in actualizing her purpose was creating her non-profit organization, Project Smirk. The organization is mostly recognized for their ‘Homeless 100 Outreach’, where they traveled all over the country and even outside of the country to provide basic necessities for at least 100 homeless individuals. However, the organization’s goal was less focused on the service and more focused on the individuals providing the service.

“Our first mission was to help young adults find their life purpose and put action behind it. Project smirk is about creating change agents, it's about the people who do the community service. I feel like people are unhappy with life when they don't know why they are here or they feel like they are not being used to their best ability. People don’t know their purpose, GROWN people don’t know their purpose.”

Akilah explains that she went through a constant search of discovering her purpose. Studying at West Georgia College she went through 5 different majors. After graduating in 2013 she admits not having any idea what she wanted to do, but knew working for somebody else wasn’t it.

“We're taught to go to school, get a good job, start a family and then you start living for other people and you don't get to know yourself. So that's why people go through these mid-life crises. That's what I saw as a problem in the world I was going to fix.”

So far she's been actualizing her mission having impacted countless cities, teams of change agents and the homeless community. However, her story doesn’t stop there. In 2018 Akilah was able to study holistic healing in South America, and from her learnings, she created See Spirit Run Shop. Here she creates and sells natural skin products, aromatherapy tools, and oils to help regulate chakras and more.

“You can accomplish anything you want but you have to have good intentions. The universe hears affirmations.”

So to aspiring change agents wanting to start their own business or find their purpose her advice is to get a journal and write things down, as well as taking the time to meditate and be spiritually in tune. “Sit in silence and see what God is saying to do. If it’s something you really want to do, things will start flowing.”

Akilah Roberts

Some books she recommends are The Alchemist, The Four Agreements, and The Secret. She also recommends following the podcast ‘The Blessed and Bossed up Podcast’, as well as the motivational speaker Eric Thomas.

Akilah explains she’s still learning and discovering who she is every day, so I’m sure this is just the beginning of what we will see of this impacting change agent.

To learn more about Akilah, follow her @seespiritrun_ as well as @projectsmirk.

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